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30 days with LUMI

How three beginners achieved their piano goals

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29th September 2022


Learning to play a new musical instrument can feel daunting at first. That's why LUMI was designed to make starting out easier and more fun — even within the first 30 days!

Follow the stories of three beginners who filmed their first month with LUMI: Jimmy, Alexie and Isaac. Will this colorful keyboard and interactive app help them achieve their own personal piano goals? (Spoiler alert: yes!)

Jimmy's Story

Ever since his son was born, Jimmy set himself a goal to learn something new — and this time he wants to learn how to play the piano. Luckily, learning with LUMI is easy!

Check out how by playing for just 15 minutes a day, Jimmy transformed from a total beginner to becoming brilliant at Beethoven.

30 days with Jimmy video still

Alexie's Story

Alexie wanted to introduce piano lessons into her daughter's homeschooling, but she had no musical experience. Luckily, LUMI came to the rescue.

Because a LUMI Membership is packed with great content and features to help you learn at your own pace, it wasn't long before both Alexie and her daughter had picked up the basics.

Watch this journey from complete novice to confident piano performer, all by playing LUMI a few minutes each day.

30 days with LUMI: Alexie

Isaac's Story

Isaac took piano lessons when he was young, but stopped playing after elementary school. As a former member of the Blue Man Group, Isaac can drum but hasn't touched a keyboard for many years — now it's time for him to jump back in the saddle.

Watch Isaac rekindle his love for piano and his favourite song Gymnopédie by Erik Satie— all by playing the songs, lessons and games in the LUMI app.

30 days with LUMI: Isaac

29th September 2022

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